A new paradigm for the future of archaeometallurgy in Anatolia: review of Thai archaeology monograph series (TAM)

Anadolu’da arkeometalurjinin geleceği için yeni bir bakış açısı: Tay arkeoloji monograf serisinin (TAM) gözden geçirilmesi


Archaeometallurgy, Thailand, Bronze Age, Anatolia, New Paradigm.

This article reviews the Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volumes 2A, 2B, and 2C edited by Joyce C. White and Elizabeth G. Hamilton with the aim of bringing a new perspective to the understanding of archaeometallurgy in Anatolia. Regardless of specific subject focus such as geology, geomorphology, archaeology, or anthropology, any scholar interested in the field of archaeometallurgy will find a comparanda of their research in the Thai archaeology monograph volumes. White and Hamilton suggest a new paradigm favoring diversity and an anthropological technology-driven model for archaeometallurgical research, which I believe presents an excellent case to change and revise the presumptions of scholars studying metals’ role in ancient Anatolia.

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