Neotectonics of Türkiye and its geothermal implication

Türkiye’nin neotektoniği ve jeotermal sonuçları

Indexed In
Volume 171 / 2023

Naci GÖRÜR, Şebnem ÖNDER

Neotectonics, Geothermal Springs, Neotectonic Provinces, Hot-Dry Rock, Temperature Map


Favorable conditions for geothermal energy were created in Türkiye during its neotectonic episode from Neogene to Quaternary. This episode is characterized mainly by fluvio-lacustrine sedimentation and strike-slip tectonics with associated magmatism. Under these conditions, a great number of geothermal areas have formed in the neotectonics provinces in association with major tectonic features, including the North and East Anatolian Fault Zones (NAFZ and EAFZ, respectively). Today, the geothermal resources of Türkiye are mainly located in the West Anatolian Extensional Province associated with the graben systems. However, the Central Anatolian Ova Neotectonic Province is considered one of the most promising geothermal targets which are characterized by the presence of widespread hot dry rock systems. This study mainly aims to throw light on the possible potentiality of these resources at Kırşehir Block by emphasizing the neotectonic evolution of the country.

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